What Are Squarespace Website Metrics? (And Why They Matter)

The Squarespace content management system offers tremendous benefits not available in more modern website builders. One of the key features is the ability to use advanced analytics to determine the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.  Squarespace offers a built-in analytics platform that tracks and compiles advanced metrics allowing you to learn significant insights about your visitors and their browsing, buying and information gathering habits.  Specifically, knowing who is coming to your website and what pages are attracting visitors means you can write blog articles and page content that attracts the clients you want.

Squarespace website metrics records the site data for all hosted sites and is a perfect source for developing more sophisticated tracking methods. If you’re hosting on Squarespace, explore the metrics functions online. Here you’ll learn how visitors discover your site and what they do once they arrive!

What Are The Metrics Squarespace Captures?

There are eight control panels in Squarespace website metrics that will help you to understand key points of your website’s performance,

  • Traffic Overview – monitors all traffic to your site
  • Mobile Usage – Monitors mobile traffic to your site
  • Referrers – How did your visitor find your site
  • Popular Content – Measures engagement with specific content and ranks it
  • Search Engine Queries - Keywords users enter in search engines to find your site
  • Site Search Queries - Keywords users enter into a search block on your site
  • Activity Log – A list of visitors, IP addresses, country, referrer, browser, OS, pages they visit and the date and time
  • Sales Overview – Snapshot of your sales by units and revenue over time

Basic metrics is calculated using visits, audience size or unique visitors, and page views. The metrics are recorded similarly to Google Analytics, via JavaScript in the browser to protect it from non-human traffic like bots and crawlers.

Visits – Visits are tracked using a cookie, which is set the first time a visitor lands on your site. Visits are an excellent measure of visitor attention on your site because they record a single browsing session. It’s a good metric frequently used by marketing applications.

Audience Size - Often called unique visitors, is also tracked using a cookie that has a 2-year lifespan. Audience size is a good metric to determine how many visitors you’re reaching. It does not track engagement (visits does that).Each time a visitor clears cookies or accesses your site via another computer or device it is counted as a unique visit, so this metric is considered an overall snapshot of unique traffic.

Page Views – Any page visited must load completely to be counted and recorded as a page view.

Why You Should Connect Google Analytics With Squarespace

Squarespace Metrics offers built-in integration, which allows it to connect with Google Analytics. Combining Google Analytics and Squarespace provides visitor tracking and other reports to further analyze your visitors engagement and their browsing and buying habits. This integration is especially useful when creating buyer personas, personalized content and targeting markets. Being able to access complex data about your visitors, customers, leads, and conversions is the cornerstone benefit of inbound marketing. Squarespace website metrics allows you to gather this data conveniently and integrate with the power of Google Analytics to make your analysis even more powerful.

Understanding analytics will help you to target better readers, see what is working on your site, and more importantly what needs adjusting. By integrating with Google Analytics, you can add power and depth to your metrics data. The more you understand about who is visiting your site, how long they stay, where they engage and what drives them to convert and buy, the better you can target both your marketing efforts and content creation. Understanding and using Squarespace website metrics will help you to grow your business.

About Michael Conway and Means-of-Production

My firm builds Squarespace websites, Houzz profiles, and content marketing and advertising solutions for architects, interior designers, design-build contractors and landscape design firms. Our all-in-one tactics attract the right clients with exceptional architectural photography and brand messaging that sets you apart from the competition. Contact me for a free-of-charge consultation and marketing review. It takes about 40 minutes and you'll be provided a list of actionable improvements designed to solve your specific marketing problems. 

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